How to read people's minds and change your own

The subconscious mind is where we hold 90% of who we are because it holds our thoughts, our beliefs, our patterns, and our behaviors, essential it handles everything about us. 

Not only that but the subconscious mind has recorded everything and picks up on everything.

But unbeknownst to us, although it's creating 90% of how we think, feel and act, it's just like the word implies it's subconscious.

It's not in our conscious awareness.

It is under our conscious awareness.

And I often tell people, when you want to make a change in your life, it'd be so easy to say "I want to make a change", and then BOOM you make a change, but it's not.


Why is that?

It's because under the surface, in your subconscious mind, there is a whole world that you have to rewire and readjust.

It's not as simple as saying I want to make the change and then you make a change because that is a conscious choice, but the conscious mind only controls 10% of us.

The subconscious mind is where we have to do the deeper work and so I've studied the subconscious mind for over a decade sharing it with so many but I hit a point where I recognize the subconscious mind is not just the mind in the way we think of the mind like it’s the brain or in our head.

Because the subconscious mind is our entire body.

So hear me out on this one.

If you look at somebody, you can easily tell what they're thinking from their body language.

Our physicality is often very much a direct mirror of what's happening in our minds.

And so if someone's hunched over, breathing shallow, not making eye contact, we can assume and probably with great accuracy assume that the what's happening in their mind that they're thinking thoughts of with low energy, thoughts of maybe shrinking or contraction, not thoughts of expansion of beauty and confidence, correct?

The reverse is also true, our body informs how we think and so as we broaden our shoulders, rise our neck and head, take deeper breaths, as we take up more space, and feel the fullness of our bodies our minds begins to think more expansively.

We can actually say to inform our minds to think. 

Yes, the body and the mind are obviously so super connected which is why so many practices have stood the test of time, like yoga and like dance.



Our ancestors dance for so much for years and centuries.

And we too love to dance the dance before we go out dance to get ready.

We dance in our cars.

We love to dance.

It's something that is innately part of being human and the human experience.

If you have a body you can dance regardless if you think you're a good dancer or a bad dancer, and that's a topic for another day.

And here's the last bit I would really love to share with you is that within our entire body system, we are on operating technologies and within our body vessel, we have something known as fascia.

You can imagine that fascia as a huge web that is connecting everything within yourself to everything within yourself, every nerve, organ, tissue is connected by our fascia.

And when we take the same form every single day, when we're continuously sitting at a desk or continuously sitting in the same places or making the safe movement, that fascia begins to callus.


What's interesting is because this fascia is so much filled with water, and water is now known to be able to be embedded with information so much water has been information I mean, the crystals in our our phones are upgraded from crystals that have been kept that have been crystallized and holding information.

 It's how this conversation is even being broadcasted. And so that's the same for us in our bodies are flashes like this into a web broadcasts into our entire body. But we take the same shapes every day we become so callous, and so the beliefs that we're holding are starting to actually take form and become solid in our own body, making it even more difficult for us to make a change. 

Now what I've found is that will be bridged dance, which allows us to move our body and break up that fascia and a new dynamic way, whereas it never moved before new movements are really healthy for us and vibrant allow that fascia to break free and grow and allow that fluid of liquid of water to begin at once again to have a natural water flow.

And with that creating a new belief system. Now all of a sudden what ends up happening is that you're using the mind body connection to think of new ideas. And you're opening up a new channel of water flow which is information.

So what I see happen is that people in extreme clarity, people channeled beautiful messages of wisdom that they've always needed to hear for themselves are getting new ideas that are absolutely brilliant, genius and brilliant for themselves.

And so that and there's so much more than ends up happening at the radiance method that we really bridge the science behind the subconscious mind-body connection with our spiritual side. We’re spiritual swaggy and so it's very much telling in our name, Radiance, what we're here to do is allow people to shine their specific way.

It's not about dancing goods and about being a performer, or dancer, but to be able to express the inner Story of Your World out into the world and then be able to move in a dynamic way to create a new story for yourself and there's several different ways that we go about that. 

To experience and get a taste for yourself join Radiance Dance Challenge.

 A Free 6-day daily dance activation with world leading experts in dance therapy all with the intentions to enhancing your life, confidence, clarity, and abundance!

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