Is dance the primordial language spoken by our universe?

As a champion dancer, subconscious mind specialist, and spiritual devotee, I've come to develop a working theory around the power of dance.

In this blog, I reveal a case study in which I assert that dance is a healing art capable of enhancing our lives through mind, body, and spirit. The discoveries that support me within this theory are through the lens of my two professional lovers' spiritual wisdom and modern science.

Now let's begin with a dance.

No, I'm being serious, let's begin with a dance.

Hear me out.

If you've ever been to any high excitement and enthusiastic celebration like a music concert, Tony Robbins event, or professional sports game, you know that the first thing you do before it begins is getting into some kind of movement.

Your hands may go up and down, maybe you got the two-step or booty shake happenin', or you're at least clapping your hands together.

So let's experiment right here and right now. 
You've read many posts in your life, I'm sure. But how many have you clapped or moved your body before engaging with?

Now I'm not insinuating that this blog post will be anything like a music concert. That is not the claim or experiment.

But it is an experiment to test whether you FEEL AND THINK any differently during and after reading this post when you had danced beforehand. So shake your shoulders or pump your fists, or at a bare minimum, do yourself a favor, and clap a few times to see if any state change or chemical reactions occur. 

Now for the case study!

Please welcome our first starting line-up of physicists who help me make a point about what science can teach us about the power of dance. 

Dance Meets Physics 

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration."

-Nikola Tesla, Physicist

"Everything in the universe is spinning: atoms, the energy field of the human body, planets, stars, galaxies, and even the universe itself."

- Nassim Haramein, Physicist 

"Energy and matter are two sides of the same coin."

-Einstein, a Physicist


As seen from these quotes from the back of giants, physics instructs us that everything in the universe is made of vibrating energy. Even the objects that we call solid, are actually vibration fields.


Dance, according to the Oxford dictionary:
"a series of movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music"


Dissecting this definition alongside Nikola Tesla's quote .... I've come to find direct correlations.
"Dance is a series of movements (energy) that match the speed (frequency) and rhythm (vibration) of a piece of music."


Now I'll take the liberty to say that the language of vibration, frequency, and energy is dance.


Dance is the universal language and contains within it enormous power as it is the primordial language spoken by absolutely EVERYTHING.


Let this inquiry land...

What if dance was our key to revealing the secret doorways of everything within our universe including a better understanding of our interpersonal world and creating a better outer world? 


Dance Is A Vibratory Language 

Dance, according to Britannica:

"the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion"


Emotions are energy in motion and are often ignited by or in reaction to a thought. Emotions and ideas vibrate at a high invisible frequency that can have us feel powerless to them without recognizing they were made by us.


Up until now the mindset and personal development world has done a wonderful job at helping the collective generate a cognitive shift in perspective when it comes to our relationship with our thoughts and feelings. Ideas like thinking positively and changing your perspective or story.

But as a mindset coach myself, I believe incorporating dance into mindset wellness will create a new and brilliant dynamic that can quantum leap us into our next great human potential.



The body is brilliant at communicating emotion and in my opinion way more equipped than the mind. The body will involuntarily shrug, shrink, smile, laugh, or perform countless other functions according to the emotions within it.

If you want to know what someone is thinking or feeling, observe their body physiology, it will tell you more than you think.


But other than in a dance class, where do we get the chance to move our body in accordance with what is going on deep within ourselves?


Most people disconnect their emotions and don't know they can heal through having a physical expression of them. Many feel things but will not express them.

Unfortunately, this is going against their nature and resisting the very essence that is connecting all things within the universe... the language of dance.


Dancing allows us to tell the story happening within our inner world (which is filled with emotions and thoughts) through our body aka our outer world. 


Again Einstein rings in my ear... matter and energy are different sides of the same coin.

Do you want to manifest a matter-of-fact reality and know it requires matching to the energy of it? Dance as it. Use the direct language of energy aka dance as your bridge to it.

Dance Your Heart Out

I believe we need our body and mind working together for the evolution of our Spirit.

If we desire to know who we are, what we're made up of, and live in our Soul's purpose, I declare that we stop thinking our way to our best selves and start dancing our way into that state, just like everything else does.


The best part of all this? It gets to be playful, freeing, and fun. 


But I know it can be easier to *think* about how dancing can be a beneficial practice in your life than to put it into *action*, which is why I created a FREE 5-day Radiance Dance Challenge!


During the Radiance Dance Challenge, I'll be hosting daily dance activations and I invited my dearest friends and fellow leading world experts on dance therapy to join for a conversation about all this blog covered and more.


So may I ask you to dance by joining the 5-Day Radiance Dance Challenge?
Join here -->

P.S This challenge leads right into National Dance Day! How divinely timed... almost like the language of the universe, time, and space, were all supporting this challenge happening. 


p.s.s - Did you dance before you read this? If so, how'd dancing before reading impact you?