Intro to the Subconscious Mind

Learn the art of using your subconscious mind to access blind spots and alchemize limiting beliefs

This is a hands-on Master Course guided by Heartled Leaders Co-founder and Subconscious Mind Expert, Sarah Cirigliano. In this course you will learn practical methods of finding limiting beliefs that are just outside of your conscious awareness. After you learn to find them, you will learn best practices to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift any limiting beliefs found. You will also receive access to two guided activation meditations meant to support you in raising your vibration and becoming a magnet to your desires.

This is for you if...

  • You want to learn methods to peer into blind spots 
  • You're not interested in covering up pain or limiting beliefs with positive thinking, you want to alchemize them and truly transcend them
  • You want to receive tools that are practical for your everyday life
  • You're interested in taking the advanced subconscious mind certification training and want to receive the necessary foundations to prepare you for the transformational experience of the full course
  • You're here to do the work! Nothing shared here will be a magical fix-all. It will require you to show up for yourself, to test things, to see what works for you.

What you'll learn...

  • Foundations of the subconscious mind, how its programmed, and how we can shift its programming
  • Methods for turning limiting beliefs into power & light 
  • Different tools that will allow you to choose the best practices that work for you to connect to your inner world, to uncover limiting beliefs or fears, and to listen to what your inner genius is telling you of how these beliefs can be upgraded
  • My personal favorite ways to transcend limitations


Take this course in your own time

*4 Training Videos

*Access to 2 meditations 

*Practical steps and practices to reprogram your subconscious mind

* 1-on-1 support with VIP upgrade available at checkout

*Pricing options below*

Upfront (save $111)


One Payment


Split Payment


Two Monthly Payments


welcome in fam...

The main products I offer are truly: empowerment, freedom, and inner peace.

The logistics of who I Be are that I am the co-CEO of Heartled Leaders, and I have a background in neuroscience, epigenetics, NLP, integrative nutrition, energy healing, ancient spiritual mysticism, quantum physics, and more. I've been coaching for over 7 years and training other coaches in subconscious mind modalities for over a year. I'm also currently pursuing my Doctorate in Natural Medicine.

To put it simply, what fuels my soul's fire is research, truth, and empowering humans to activate as the walking miracles we are. I've channeled these passions into the offers I share. My offers are different avenues to support beautiful souls in embodying empowerment, joy, freedom, magic, and inner peace.

It would be such an honor to serve you on your journey through this powerful 4-week container.

(If you want to get to know me more on a personal level, keep an eye on my IG. Authenticity is a huge value of mine so I'm always sharing deep truths about my past and present experiences)

With love,
