When you're ready to heal at the deepest level—rewiring the subconscious patterns shaping your reality—you’ve found the space for you. Let's activate your limitless potential and start creating a life beyond your wildest dreams

+1,000s results 

daily rapid transformations

global impact


You’ve done the work—therapy, coaching, spiritual practices—yet you can feel there's something deeper to transform. That’s because when you're truly ready to evolve, it’s no longer about surface-level strategies or insights—it’s about unlocking the codes buried deep in your subconscious so you can finally unleash your limitless potential and live the deeply fulfilling life you were born for.

You’re a powerful soul—ready to shed limitations, step into freedom, and create a life that truly lights you up. Your next level is waiting, and you don’t have to walk this path alone. Let’s make this a reality, together.


“I’ve fallen in love again with my partner, with myself, with life. I feel this limitless potential inside of me”

- Nikki

“this is not an over promise- this liberation that becomes available. Not just pretty words and the concept of being free but a tangible reality”

- Kari

“it’s unbelievable how I feel. In just 6 weeks Sarah has over-delivered in all expectations I had for the whole 3 months”

- Leo


True transformation happens when you have consistent support, powerful tools, and a community that sees your limitless potential. That’s why I created the FREE Subconscious Freedom Community—a space designed to help you heal, expand, and step into freedom at the deepest levels. We meet every second Thursday of the month, and I invite you to join in!


Reclaim Your Freedom Podcast

If you're on mobile, turn your phone sideways to scroll through the list of episodes and choose which one you'd LOVE to dive into right away 

And when you're ready to focus on your spiritual ascension, it's time for TICKET TO RIDE: Into Level 4 Consciousness


You’re awake. You know we are in the midst of one of the most pivotal shifts in consciousness this planet has ever seen. And your soul is calling you to expand beyond limitations and step into higher states of consciousness.
In this training, you’ll be guided to safely navigate new levels of consciousness, heal subconscious patterns, and create your ideal reality field. But this isn’t just a training—it’s a movement of awakened beings stepping into their roles as wayshowers in the Great Earth Shift. If you feel the pull, join Tim Tactics and me in Ticket to Ride: Into Level 4 Consciousness.

About Sarah Zula...

Sarah Zula is devoted to helping you create freedom from limitations and suffering through her unique subconscious healing methods. She's guided thousands of people to heal and transform subconscious limitations so they can fall in love with every aspect of their lives at new levels. 

In her late teenage years, Sarah went through one of her first dark nights of the soul, which woke her up to the awareness that the only barrier between where a person currently is and their ability to live a life of freedom, inner peace, health, love, wealth, and joy, are the limiting perspectives stored in their conscious and subconscious mind. Her work is dedicated to empowering people with the tools to free themselves from the root of suffering so they can actualize their limitless potential, enhance their soul-mission, and create a deeply fulfilling life.

Sarah also spent most of her life (starting at age 4) wanting to learn about the secrets of the Universe so she can help people heal. She supports Beings with their ascension through being a leader in the All Shift Happily Movement, focused on creating happy and gentle ascension for all Beings- and a co-facilitator in the course Ticket to Ride: into Level 4 Consciousness with Tim Tactics.

You might hear Sarah mentioning other programs that are not listed on the site here (like her Business Mastermind or The Council). She runs advanced programs that only become available after Round 1 of the Mastermind and after Round 1 of Ticket to Ride. This is the accurate list of her current offers. Enjoy stepping into a world of freedom and limitless possibility!

Here's where to go next:

If you are most interested in studying the secrets of the Universe and advancing on your personal ascension journey, I recommend Ticket to Ride: Into Level 4 Consciousness.

If you are most interested in Subconscious Freedom Work, healing, and creating a life if your dreams I recommend Level 1 of The Mastermind.

If you are a coach or healer who would love to break free of your own limitations and ALSO enhance your practice with these potent and unique healing techniques I offer, join Level 2 of the Mastermind and I'll teach you potent subconscious freedom techniques to share with your clients.

For personal mentorship and healing explore your 1:1 options here